Sex Toys’ Revolution Against Rape

Sex Toys’ Revolution Against Rape

Rape is one of the biggest crimes all over the world. In the rape cases, India is ranked at the top position all over the country. Total rape cases in India are around 40,000. Besides there are more cases in India which remain unrecorded. We know that only women are the victim of rape. But there are so many cases where men are the victim of rape. So, what is rape? In a single word when a person or a group of persons do sexual intercourse against another’s desire, then the activity is considered as rape. Especially girls are the victim of rapes.  When a woman is raped; then she is abused by the society, her life is totally ruined and no longer hope remains for living to her.  After getting raped most of the girl choose the path of suicide. So, it is the crime at the peak of cruelty, because, no one has the right to destroy another’s life.

Why Do the People Rape in India?

Why do the people rape? Why is our country on the top position in the rape cases?  Because, sex is the big taboo in India. People are not liberal about the sexual matters or comforts. So, they choose the way of rape to satisfy their sexual hunger. There are so many reasons of rape, given below:

Firstly, sometimes couples are not fully satisfied in marriage life. Then some of the people get involved in other erotic affairs which are harmful for the relation and some of the people choose the way of rape which is the biggest crime.

Secondly, after certain age everyone needs a partner to satisfy their sexual necessity. But when they are not able to be committed, they choose a random girl to satisfy their sexual hunger. They forcefully do their sexual activities with the girl.

Thirdly, Husbands or boyfriends force their wives or girlfriend for sex against their desire.  And these will be considered as rape.

Role of Sex Toys in Pune against Rape:

Sex toys in Pune have the immense role for preventing rape. Often, rapes are happened due to the dissatisfaction of sex life. But sex toys in Pune help to give more and more sexual pleasure according to their desire. For the single boys who are frustrated for getting a new partner, sex dolls are the better option for them.  They can treat this as their partner and can satisfy their sexual hunger. Sometimes, your partner may not be always ready to sex with you, then you have no right to fore with your partner but again you cannot compromise with your sexual desire. Here, the solution is “sex toy”. You can satisfy yourself with the help of the sex toys in Pune any time when you want. If most of the people going to know about the importance of sex toys, the rape cases will be decreased. Although rape is a big crime but buying sex toys is not a crime. All the people should promise “We’ll buy sex toys but don’t rape”. In this way sex toys can bring a great insurgency against the rape.

Sex is one of the most important parts of human lives. And we all are the slave of our desires. So, we cannot compromise with our sexual comforts but cannot destroy another’s life for our own satisfaction. To satisfy your sexual needs, buy sex toys in Pune and stop rape.

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